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We offer an extensive range of mattresses from budget to luxury.

Our exclusive range of handmade mattresses start from £99 and are available in most sizes: 2'6  3'0  3'6  4'0  4'6  5'0  5'3  6'0

Also in a choice of supports: Soft , Regular or Orthopaedic

If you have a requirement for an unusual size mattress or bedstead base please contact us.

We offer a competitively priced professional and prompt service and a wide selection of qualities and supports.

Open coil mattress - Designer bed co ltd

This is the type of mattress that most people are familiar with. Generally speaking the springs are all linked together as a continuous unit with a rigid steel frame. They tend to be robust and rigid in construction and the better quality types would have a thick insulation pad over the springs to prevent spring feel.


The most usual upholstery is dacron or reflex foam with covers varying from a man made woven stitchbond, through to different grades of Belgian damask or cotton. They may be either turnable or non-turn.


Open coil mattresses are favourites with people looking for a very firm or orthopaedic support.

Pocket sprung mattress - Designer bed co ltd

Pocket sprung mattresses differ from traditional continuous spring mattresses in that the springs are not joined together. Rather, each spring is contained within its own calico bag and they are nested together to form a honeycomb effect.


Pocket springs are available in all types of tensions from very soft through to firm but the spring itself tends to be more flexible than a continuous spring. The main advantage of pocket springs is that they minimise roll together if two people are sharing a mattress.


Since the springs are not joined together they act independently of each other and thus offer individual support which is particularly useful if partners have a marked difference in weight. The pocket springs gently adhere to the natural body contours and helps to relieve pressure.

Non sprung mattress - Designer Bed Co Ltd

These mattresses do not contain springs. Instead the mattresses consist entirely of foam which have the follow features;



  • The foam naturally conforms to the body contours giving good body shape and relief from pressure.  
  • They are hypo-allergenic – resistant to dustmites, bed bugs, and are anti-bacterial. Ideal for eczema, asthma, and allergy sufferers. Very hygienic and fresh way of sleeping.    
  • Non turn    
  • Durable – high density foam mattresses generally tend to out-live the equivalent quality sprung interior mattresses and tend to have a longer guarantee.    
  • Tend to be vacuum packed for easy distribution.


Memory foam mattress - Designer Bed Co ltd

Memory foam differs from other types of foam in that it is temperature sensitive and it responds to both body temperature and body shape. It allows the body to sleep in its most natural sleeping position and thereby reduces the pressure points that would normally cause discomfort. Sleeping on memory foam encourages pressure-free sleep so that you wake up feeling refreshed and revitalised.


Memory foam is far more hygienic and healthy than a conventional mattress. They are hypo-allergenic which means they are free of bed bugs and dust mites. It gives you considerable peace of mind to know you are not sharing your bed with any horrible uninvited guests because bed bugs cannot live or prosper on foam. This is a big advantage for everyone, not just people who suffer from asthma, eczema, or allergies.


Memory foam mattresses are compatible with just about every kind of base, provided there is sufficient air circulation.  Slatted bases, sprung, and platform top bases are all ideal but avoid any solid block that doesn’t allow airflow. Although you never flip a memory foam mattress over, it is a good idea to ‘top to tail’ it occasionally just to keep it fresh.

Memory foam mattresses are available in a wide choice of comfort supports – please refer to our range.  All the memory foam mattresses in our range are backed with a 5 year manufacturer guarantee.

Memory pocket mattress - Designer Bed Co Ltd

This category of mattress as the name suggests combines two types of potential support giving you the best of both worlds.  It is a particularly appealing option for those people who feel comfortable with traditional pocket springs but would like to experience the latest visco elastic sleep technology. Both pocket springs and memory foam are pressure relieving sleep systems so it stands to reason that they should be mutually reinforcing if combined together.  The mattresses we list are amongst some of the most popular we sell as they do offer a half way house between tradition and innovation.

  • Hypo-allergenic, offering a healthy hygienic way of sleeping free of dust mites and bed bugs
  • Non-turn
  • Anti-roll together: the combination of memory foam and pocket springs minimises sleep disturbance irrespective of partners weight difference
  • Memory pocket mattress - Designer Bed Co Ltd

    A gel hybrid is a mattress that combines gel foam with a sprung base. Gel mattresses are great for regulating sleep temperature as they increase air circulation and like memory foam mattresses they also spring back to shape quickly after weight and pressure are removed.


    Key benefits of a gel hybrid mattress include;


    • Full body support with optimal pressure relief
    • Naturally hypo-allergenic
    • Promotes a cooler nights sleep


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